Farsley Farfield Primary School


We have had a fun-packed week in Y6 and have been working really hard in all areas of the curriculum. The children have impressed us with their investigative skills in science and their use of formal tone in writing non-chronological reports all about dragons.


This week we have moved onto a new genre: non-chronological reports. The children were tasked with creating their own dragon and had to think about its appearance, habitat, diet and any adaptations it has made to be able to live on planet Earth. We have been channeling our inner David Attenborough and the children have worked really hard on making sure the language they are using makes them sound like an expert in the field of dragons. We have been very impressed with the writing so far and will be publishing the final drafts next week.


We have also started a new concept in maths looking at decimals. The unit covers a wide range of skills including dividing, multiplying and ordering decimals. A little reminder that if children are finding some of the homework tasks tricky the revision guides which were sent home with them detail how to complete the task. Also the Corbett Maths website has lots of videos to support the learning and usually has a video to support each concept taught – we appreciate some of the methods have change over the years!

Here is an example for ordering decimals.


This week the children have been exploring adaptation. We have been looking at Charles Darwin’s finches from the Galapagos Islands and finding out why their beaks were different shapes. The children conducted an investigation using a range of ‘beaks’ to find out which was best suited to certain types of food. Please see some pictures from the investigation below.

Pictures 6J

Pictures 6D

Revision ideas

Here are some ideas for some revision time at home in the build-up to SATs. We advise that children only revise in small bursts and do not spend hours revising each day.


  • Mathletics – great for revision of curriculum areas
  • TT rockstars – improved speed in recalling times tables
  • Maths Bot – online arithmetic papers
  • Corbettmaths – online worksheets with supporting videos to explain concepts
  • Guardians of Mathematica – a great online game which builds up in levels and covers lots of curriculum areas


  • Crystal explorers
  • Rollama – this site has many games linked to various questions from the 2022 SPAG paper. Play games for the questions you struggle with.
  • Natural collection – an inspiring site, full of amazing writing prompts linked to wildlife videos.



  • English – Making inferences pg 6&7
  • Maths –  Fractions pg 29&30
  • Spelling Shed – 5 games
  • Read 5 times per week

We hope that you have a lovely weekend!


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