This week we have begun our topic on the Great War. Children learned about the origins of WW1 and we had some amazing discussions linked to current world events. This is a complicated but fascinating topic and we were proud of the way in which the children responded. We have also started to explore life in the trenches for the soldiers in WW1 and the children have been researching the jobs they had to undertake and the dismal conditions they lived in!
This week we have started our new text ‘The Arrival’ by Shaun Tan. This is a picture book and the children have had to use lots of inference and imagination to come up with storylines to accompany the images given. This week we have been focusing on writing dialogue and accompanying this with action and narrative. The children have worked hard and have showcased their ability to use speech in their writing. We will be building on this in the coming weeks when we focus on a larger piece of narrative writing.
Here is a video showcasing the book.
Homework 15/11/24
- English – Conjunctions pg 34 and sentences pg 31
- Maths – Prime numbers pg 25 and Square and cube numbers pg 26
- Spelling Shed – 10 games
- Extreme Reading every day
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