Farsley Farfield Primary School


It has been a much more settled week weather wise and the children have been able to play outside for the first time this year! We have continued our work on War horse and Evolution and the children have produced some really good work.


This week we have been focusing on persuasive writing and all of the different techniques used with this genre of writing. We have been working hard on planning our writing to try and convince Captain Nichols to let us join the army and go to war with Joey (the horse). We have spent time thinking about what qualities Captain Nichols would be looking for in a soldier and will use these next week in our writing.


Chidlren have been exploring Darwin’s theory of Evolution this week and have read a beautifully illustrated book called ‘The story of life – A first book about evolution’. The children were then tasked with retelling the story and have produced some excellent pieces of work.

Evolution work

Women in the War!

In history this week we have been looking at women and how their role changed during the war. We have focused on the life of women before, during and after the war and discussed the changes that occurred during this time. The children also had the opportunity to explore the role of the Suffragettes and their impact on the rights of women.


  • English – Commas pg 43and Homophones pg 63
  • Maths – Multiplying factions pg 32 & 33 and dividing fractions pg 36
  • 5 Spelling shed games
  • Reading daily

If you need further support with the maths homework please visit Corbett Maths and watch the support videos there – they are very useful and your child should have the page bookmarked on their Chromebook.

Also, a huge thank you to those families who filled out our internet survey form – it has been very useful and informative for our learning on this unit.

Have a lovely weekend!


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