Year 6 – 20.10.23
We are coming to the end of our topic on Natural Disasters and the children this week have been learning about different types of volcano. They produced some creative PowerPoints and websites to explain their research which we have added below. We have also been completing some work around UK geography and locating different cities across the UK. The children are developing this knowledge and will continue this learning into next half term.
Some of our children in 6D made fantastic websites – take a look here and here
There were also some lovely posters and circle books made which the children will finish off next week and which we hope to feature on next week’s blog.
The children have been working on their non-chronological reports about their islands and they are wonderful! Next week we will publish them and have some amazing examples to share. We worked hard this week on writing about the natural features and animals of our island.
Perhaps you’d be interested to visit Mclane Island by Ivy in 6D?
Mclane island has a myriad of fauna. Among the endemic animal species are the monotremes. One example of this is the pletachuck which is a close relative of the beaver. Generally the pletachuck grows to the size of a 3 year old child (approximately 2ft high). Usually, the pletachuck is a turquoise colour and blends in with the blue lagoon which is its home. Interestingly, the pletachuck does not need a thick coat during winter as it has pitch-black skin that insulates its body from the cold temperature of the water.
or Iceonia by Seb in 6D?
Despite being harsh and barren, Iceonia has a wide diversity of animal-life. Many carnivorous mammals reside here whilst depending upon other animals for meals. One example are the native polar bears which can be found strolling among the ice-spikes of the South-West lands of Polar Fields. Their midnight-black muzzles and bonfire-red eyes determine them from the blinding-white spikes of ice. Unlike other polar bears, fully grown males only weigh up to 75 kilograms and range from 2 to 3 metres in length.
Another endemic animal – an animal that can only be found here – to Iceonia is the Small Seal. They live in the Southern Ocean – which surrounds Iceonia – and breed at the Lagoon. The Lagoon is located to the south-east of the island. Young feed on the vegetation growing around the rocky sides and an adult’s diet consists solely of small crustaceans. Over the centuries these seals have evolved to have bright-purple, furry coats which keep them warm in the cold ocean. Adult males weigh up to one kilogram and can grow up to two feet in length.
Or maybe The Isle of One Life by Ben in 6J?
Geographical features
Interestingly , The Isle of One Life has a dormant ,composite volcano situated to the north-east tip of the island . Due to this, the island has a huge pool of magma underneath it causing geo-thermal activity heating up the Isle considerably. Scientists believe that over the next 100 years the volcano will become extinct due to the fact that it is situated upon two convergent tectonic plates which shall, over time block off the vent to the magma chamber. At the top of the volcano , there is a hot water spring which then runs down the volcano becoming a river that eventually flows out to sea. This river is known as the running river. As it flows past the dried lava (Basalt ) it takes all the vitamin rich plagioclase feldspar , pyroxene, olivine, biotite and hornblende becoming mineral rich water which is key to the island’s diverse ecosystem. Due to the fact that the spongy topsoil of the island absorbs water, the island soon becomes a marsh growing dense heather where vorpents like to hide . These marshes are mineral rich so an abundance of creatures live there. However this is not a good habitat for birds as relentless winds and no trees make it hard for them to survive in these harsh conditions . In the evergreen forests , birds can thrive due to the high sheltering trees which provide the perfect conditions in nesting season. The canopy is so thick that rain hardly ever touches the ground .
Ellis in 6J has also created an unusual sounding island which might also be worth a visit!
What type of flora can be found on Bay Island?
Bay island is a beautiful island, it’s very green with lots of trees packed with fruit and vegetables. People from all over the world come and visit to get baskets of fruits and flowers. The banana bush is the rarest one you can find. It can be used for curing mosquito bites. There are lots of shocking plants on this island. Some are poisonous including the libbile sibilie. If you touch the libbile sibilie you will develop an itchy rash. To cure this rash, crush the blades of the ebony grass with fresh water and apply this paste to the rash.
We have solidified our knowledge of the four operations and this week looked at division. Some of our Year 6s do not know their times tables rapidly enough. Times tables are such an important skill and are essential for our next unit of work on fractions so please encourage the use of TTRS over the weekend!
Here is a video of the method we have been using.
Reading 5 times
2 x Mathletics
10 games on Spelling Shed
Have a lovely weekend.
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