Farsley Farfield Primary School



This week we have been working hard on statistics and reading and interpreting many different types of graphs. The children had excellent prior knowledge and were able to apply these skills to a range of problems and activities. One of the activities even required us to have a go at drawing our own line/bar charts. We did do a good job but most of us decided the graphs would be much more accurate if we use our electronic devices to help!

Here is a video to help with this week’s maths homework.


The children have been continuing to work hard on the science unit and exploring the function of the circulatory system. This week they had to work together in groups to produce an informative PowerPoint aimed at Y3/4 children. The children are still working on these and we are hoping to show them to the younger children in the next 2 weeks. We will share them on the blog once they are complete.

Special visitor

On Monday (24th March) Y6 will have a special visitor from Solar for Schools. We will be looking at our renewable energy sources at Farsley Farfield, exploring some interesting activities related to energy production and even going on the infant roof to take a closer look at the solar panels and how they work. This is a really exciting opportunity and will support our work on electricity and sustainability.

Are we famous?

This week 6D was very lucky to take part in a live assembly all about rail saftey. The assembly was broadcast directly from our school hall and the children all did a fabulous job. The film crew all said how wonderful it was to work with the children. Well done!


Homework 21.03.25

  • English – Mixed practice pg 29&30 and synonyms and antonyms pg 55
  • Maths –  Area pg 60 and volume pg 64 and 65
  • 5 Spelling shed games
  • Reading daily

Have a lovely weekend


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