Farsley Farfield Primary School

Greek Week

What a week!

The week started with terrible weather, meaning that the normal PE lessons outside had to be brought indoors. The cross country group did their activities in class and loved the Train Like a Jedi video. Try it for yourself by clicking here.

Greek Day

On Tuesday, we had our Greek day. The children were given the question at the start of the day, ‘Would you be an Athenian or Spartan?’ Each class spent half a day experiencing life as it would be in one of the two city states. Athens was the city of arts, culture and the finer things in life. This involved pot making and acting out plays. Sparta was … sparten. There was minimum food, lots of fighting and plenty of exercise. In the end, the children overwhelmingly chose the harder, Sparten life! Either we have hardier children in Farsley than average, or Mrs Kroon is more pursuasive than Mr Beevers. The photo gallery massive, so to see the pictures, please click here.

Also this week, both classes visited their reading buddies in Year 1. During the session, the Year 5 children read a book (or several) to their new friends. We were so impressed how engaged everyone was and how they shared their love of reading.


In English this week, we have been starting to plan and write a newspaper report about one of Odysseus’ adventures. Next week, we will be completing the front page news story ready to be published in the Evening Column.


We have completed our place value module and moved on to additon and subtraction. Over the next few lessons we will be looking at and consolidating the formal methods (column addition and subtraction). This video will help your child understand mental methods better.

Finally, Mrs Kenvyn has sent in pictures of her baby, Margot, which we would love to share with you.

Have a great weekend

Mr Beevers, Mrs Kroon and the Year 5 team.


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