Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head teacher blog 22 November 2014

This was a shortened week due to the Training Day. The teachers had a valuable day with 150 others from local schools at a day hosted by Priesthorpe. We worked with Will Ord on what makes a great lesson and feedback suggests it was both inspiring and practical.

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In school we had some more fabulous educational visits including 3C off to Sheffield to the Magna museum and 4CW to Skelton Grange for work on electricity and circuits. Year 1 had a queen coronation and street party as part of their work on castles, kings and queens, and the homework that the children brought in was very impressive!

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We have also been promoting science in school this term, and Mrs Daniels and Mrs Galbraith led an informative and engaging staff meeting on the subject on Wednesday. The children love practical science, as can be seen from the engagement in the recent photographs below:

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