Farsley Farfield Primary School

5KH residential day 1

We are having a great first day of residential.

The journey worked well, whether by minibus or train.

We sorted ourselves out at the lodge, ate our lunch in the garden and headed off for the Ingleton Waterfall Walk. The weather was dry and reasonably warm. The children seemed to remember their geography lessons back at school: confidently recalling river-related vocabulary and basic geology. The walk was beautiful and dramatic.

At half way, we had an ice cream or lolly.

At the end of the walk, they had the chance to paddle and many got wetter than they expected. (Note to self: remember to tell the children to take off their socks before they put on their water shoes!) We had fish and chips at the end of the walk, with the fryers fired just for us!

This evening, half the group has gone caving with Mr Jackson whilst the other half have some recreation time followed by another map-reading lesson and a night walk.

The night walk went well having had a map-reading session beforehand. We followed a circular route, practising orientating our map aligned to observable features such as a prominent Roman road. Look what Henry found: a Farfield tradition!

The caving group on Monday evening were described by Mrs Hawkhead as one of the best groups she has ever caved with (and she has taken many groups every year, for many years). They were loud but daring and resilient.


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  • Claire Brennan says:

    Looks amazing! What a fabulous first day you’ve all had!

  • Lubna says:

    Wonderful pictures all the kids look like they’re having an amazing time! Have fun everyone!

  • Sonia says:

    Looks like they’ve had a fab first day! Thank you for the update; lovely pictures! Enjoy the rest of your stay 🙂

  • Will Parsons says:

    Fantastic! Hadn’t realised some of them would be travelling out by train.
    Bet A loved splashing in the stream.

  • Ethan lacey says:

    Looks like they are all having the best time ever.i told Ethan to give me a thumbs up if he’s ok and 2 thumbs up if he’s having the best time and he’s got 2 thumbs up in his photos so I know he’s loving it.thanks so much for the photo and updates,means a lot to us to see how happy they are

  • Mel says:

    Wowee looks amazing – they certainly look like they’re having a great time . So pleased the weather has held up.

  • Amber Hendy says:

    Wow what a great day! You all look like you’re having a lot of fun! 🤩 Thanks for the update

  • Amanda Heaton says:

    Thanks for update looks amazing. Hope all goes well at bedtime although I’m sure they will be all tired out. Ill look forward to another update tomorrow hopefully. Have fun guys 😀

  • Satveer says:

    Great to see them all having such a fantastic time!! Thank you for keeping us posted and look forward to the next update 😊

  • Sakia says:

    Oh wow! That looks like so much fun! The kids all look so happy!

  • Ms.Howells says:

    You all look like you’re having a great time. Make sure Mr Harris signs your reading records! Keep on having fun and looking after each other.

  • Najma says:

    Lovely photos. They look like they are having a blast! Thanks for sharing 🙂

  • Helen sharman says:

    Well spotted Henry

  • Stephen Ward says:

    What an excellent day !

  • Satveer says:

    Amazing!! So pleased that caving went well. Have a smashing second day! What an adventure 😊

  • Rebecca Elliott says:

    They all look so happy! Hope your all having a great time. Keep the photos flooding in. Becareful!

  • Amy Dennis says:

    It looks like such a fabulously fun first day! Lovely to see so many smiling faces.

  • Ruth says:

    Wow! Caving looks incredible, well done everyone for getting in so deep!

    And nice one on the bones, Henry! Looks like you are having a lot of fun and learning loads!

    Hope you’ve had another good day today and manage a bit more sleep tonight!

  • Will Hendy says:

    Looks amazing. Reuben is giving lots of thumbs up.

  • Jade THOMSON says:

    What a fantastic day had by all

  • Puneeta says:

    Great pics! Looks like they’ve all had a great first day. Thanks for the update looking forward to the next update. Have fun!

  • Amanda Heaton says:

    Hope you all have a nice last morning tomorrow. I’m sooo looking forward to seeing Thomas and to give him a big squeeze 😊