Farsley Farfield Primary School

5HB Day 1 Residential

We have had a fantastic first day of residential and haven’t let the rain dampen our spirits.

The train journey worked well and we didn’t have to wait for too long at New Pudsey or Leeds station. The children kept themselves busy by playing some board games and Jesse had an epic game of Top Trumps with Mr Hemming.

After arriving at Gearstones Lodge, we ate our lunch and headed to the Ingleton Waterfall trail. The rain was non-stop and we decided to shorten the walk slightly. All of the staff were extremely impressed with the children’s knowledge of the geography curriculum. Children were able to identify meanders, plunge pools, overhangs, and lots of surface run-off! We were also proud of the children’s positive attitudes. The whole group embodied the Farfield spirit and the ‘Be Positive’ Learning Hive statement.

It was hard but I felt so proud when we finished!” Jersey

We were all extremely soggy after the waterfall walk and were very ready for our fish and chips! Thankfully, the chip shop packed up our tea and we took it back to Gearstones to enjoy.

Because of the rain, we decided to postpone the night walk until Thursday. Instead, we enjoyed an evening taking part in a carousel of activities including map work, access to the games room, board games, and a reading of The Hobbit by the well-renowned voice actor Mr Beevers! The children really enjoyed this change to the itinerary and had lots of fun. We have also learnt lots about the children that we didn’t know. For example, Aashif is the ‘pick-up-sticks’ champion and none of the children have a clue how to play pool (but are impressively over-confindent about their skills).

The activities were my favourite. I really liked The Hobbit.” Simaro

The children are now very tired and have gone to bed. Whether they sleep or not is another matter. Stay tuned to tomorrow’s blog to find out!

Here is a link to photos from today.


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  • Marion says:

    So proud of you all! Big smiles all round; looks like a great start to the adventure. Have a super Thursday!

  • Sarah - Caitlin’s mum says:

    Fab pictures. It looks like everyone is having a brilliant time.
    I hope the teachers get some sleep too!

  • Manjeet says:

    Looks like you all are having a great..lovely pictures.

  • Katrina says:

    Wow what great children braving the horrible weather. Looks like the rain didnt dampen their spirits. Well done class 5HB hope you enjoy the rest of your trip.

  • Elea - Noah's mum says:

    Wow, what a wet waterfalls walk! Looks like you went swimming in your waterproofs 😆Glad you had fun. Hope you’ve had a happy day adventuring x

  • Nahed Akhtar says:

    Looks like you have had a great day regardless of the weather. Yaseen, the Pakistan V England cricket match got cancelled!

    Enjoy the rest of your stay everyone. 😊

  • Sheila singh says:

    Lovely photos 👍 nice to see the children enjoying themselves despite the rainy weather yesterday. Enjoy the rest of the trip.