Farsley Farfield Primary School

This week in Nursery

Welcome back to the busy final half term of the academic year. We have been doing lots of assessment this week and are thrilled with the amount of progress your children have made since September.


In our Maths sessions this week we have been practising our subitizing skills. The children have to recognise amounts to 5 without counting. They are becoming very good at this! Please support this learning at home by playing dice games as well as asking them how many of something they have without counting.

Here is a clip to share with your child at home but we call it sub -itizing not soo-bitizing!

Book of the half term

This half term our story is ‘The Naughty Bus’ by Jan and Jerry Oke. The children have been looking at the different ways the words have been written as well as predicting what might happen next.

Lots of fun!

As usual the children have had lots of fun in Nursery…

Have a lovely weekend from the Nursery team


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