Farsley Farfield Primary School

Welcome to Year 2

We have had a super start to the year so far. The children have come in with a super positive attitude and have enjoyed lots of activities in their first week.

Expectations in Year 2

We have been doing lots of activities to introduce the children to what will be expected for Year 2. We have talked about our school rules and our learning hive. The children have made their own learning hive bee and thought about two targets for the year. We have also discussed how to be a great learner by completing some growth mindset activities. The children worked together to sort statements into fixed mindset or growth mindset.


In English this week we have been learning all about our class animals. We created some questions, remembering our capital letters and full stops. We then did some research to find out more and wrote some fact sentences. We were very impressed at how well the children could complete their tasks independently.

Spelling and handwriting

We have practised writing our full names in our handwriting books. We have also revised the tricky words today, friend and school. We looked at the days of the week. On Monday next week, the children will bring home some spellings to learn.


In maths this week we have been looking at numbers to 20. We have been reading and writing them in numbers and words. The children have been representing numbers in different ways. Today we looked at how we can group numbers into 10 to make numbers to 100. The children impressed us with their understanding of tens and ones. Well done year 2!


We talked about where we went in the holidays. We helped the children to say if the place they visited was in the UK or in another country. We talked about how they travelled there.

We also introduced our class animals Farsley Fox and Farsley Squirrel. Farsley Fox and Farsley Squirrel love to travel and visit different places. Each week they will come home with one of you. We would like you to take them out and about with you and then complete the diary. We look forward to hearing about your adventures!


We started our ‘What keeps me healthy’ topic. Children started by thinking of six things they do that keeps them healthy. The children showed some good knowledge. We then started to think about which food we need to keep healthy. Although we all knew that we needed to eat fruits and vegetables, we weren’t sure about the other types of food we need. We will be learning more about this in the next few weeks. We recorded what we eat in a typical day.


PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays this year. We began on Wednesday this week with some fun games. Next week we will start our PE units. 2LA will have some multi skills sessions with a coach this half term. 2BW will have their multi skills sessions later in the year.


We enjoyed drawing our class animals. We also created some fantastic personal artwork about all our favourite and special things.

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