Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 04.10.24


Another great week of writing this week in English as the children became the main character from our text: Kensuke’s Kingdom. The children wrote their own account of the first meeting between Michael and Kensuke and tried hard to use incredible language as well as more advanced punctuation.

Oreo Plate Tectonics

One of the highlights of the year every year is the lesson in which Year 6 are asked to explain plate tectonics using cookies! This year was no different and we had a lovely time creating posters to show the different plate boundaries which occur around the world.

Here are some pictures

Here is a brilliant website we have looked at this week which tells you a little more


We have looked at column multiplication in maths this week with 4 x 2 digit numbers – do ask your child to teach you what they’ve learned as it’s often the best way to secure understanding. Lots of our children are still very wobbly on their times tables. We would like everyone to do 10 minutes at least of TTRS every day for their homework if possible.

  • Spelling Shed x 10 games – tial ending
  • Mathletics
  • TTrockstars
  • Reading daily

Have a lovely weekend!


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