Farsley Farfield Primary School

Mission Complete: Autumn One

Despite this being the last week of the first half-term, we in Year 4 have not slowed down at all! After finishing our work on perspective and the Firework Maker’s Daughter in our English and Guided Reading lessons, getting to grips with all of the different methods of addition and subtraction in Maths and exploring electricity in our Science lessons, you might be wondereing what else there was to do. Well…


Our most exciting project this week was definitely DT. Using the knoweldge that we have accumulated about how different circuits work in our Science lessons, the children each designed and then made their own steady hand games. We started out by researching existing examples of these kinds of games to find out more about how they worked. From there, we had to plan out what we wanted our own games to look like, what materials we would need to use and how we would incorporate the most vital component – the circuit. The range of ideas that we had across both classes was fantastic!

When it came to actually making them however, many of the children found them to be very fiddly and finicky to actually put together. As always however, that Farfield resilience was on full display and every child managed to create their own fantastic game. Unfortunately, since everyone (including the staff) was so focused on the task at hand, 4L forgot to take any pictures! Luckily, 4SN was able to snap a few though:


In PE this half-term, 4L have been hard at work developing their street dance skills. Though it is safe to say that a few children were not initally thrilled by the prospect of having to dance, by the time it came to do our final performances I think we managed to win them over! Each week, we built upon what we had previously learnt, introducing different methods of travelling, moving in unison and working in canon. The children then completed a final performance for Mr Hemming and Mr Cave, who both seemed very impressed. But we didn’t want the parents to miss out so we made sure to record a performance for you as well. We hope you enjoy!

General News

Since we would like to allow the children to have plenty of time to rest, relax and enjoy their time away from school, we have not set any homework this week. However, the children do still have access to all of our online programs, such as Mathletics, Spelling Shed, TTRS and Reading Eggspress so there are still plenty of ways to practise at home.

We hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

Miss Levett, Mrs Sykes and Mrs Newsome


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