Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News 29.11.24


This week in English we’ve been researching facts about polar animals in preparation for writing our own reports next week. The children chose 3 polar animals and then used books and the internet to find three facts about each animal. They now have lots of knowledge to write their Polar Animals report next week.


This week we have been investigating the spelling of words with the j/g/dge/ge sound.

We have also learned the homophones where, wear, were, we’re.


We have now finished our topic on addition and subtraction. We have been looking at comparing number sentences and also looking at missing number calculations this week. Next week we will start our new topic on shape.


In science we talked about the different stages of the human life cycle. We looked at pictures and ordered each stage. We then named each stage- baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, elderly. Children thought about what people can do at each stage.


We talked about what to do when we fall out and how to make friends. We decided to make some friendship bracelets to give to our friends.


In art this week we have learned how to draw a polar bear. We then created a sketch in our books by looking closely at the polar bear picture to create our own.


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