Farsley Farfield Primary School

Reception News – 14.3.25


This week we have revised phonemes/ graphemes oo as in book and oo as in food, ar and or. Can your child find these graphemes in a book? The tricky word is one.


We have been doing lots of counting this week. A key focus has been to consolidate the ‘stable order principle’ – rehearsing the order of the first 10 numbers and understanding that the position that each number holds in our number sequence does not change. We have looked at a staircase pattern and talked about 1 more and 1 less. We have also been counting beyond 20 and looking at repeating patterns when counting to 100.

RP at the farm

Understanding the World

This term we are learning about lots of different celebrations. This week we have learnt about Holi the Hindu festival of colours. An important part of Holi is forgiving anyone who has upset you and making friends with them again. We had great fun creating our own colourful Holi pictures using powder paint, water and hair spray!

Amazing Frogspawn!

We have enjoyed learning about frogs this week. We went to the school pond and found lots of frogspawn. We are going to look after it in our classrooms and hopefully it will turn into tadpoles and then frogs!

Wiggly Worms!

We had lots of fun making a wormery. We got very muddy hunting for worms!

Secret Readers

We have had some more secret readers this week. Thank you so much for reading to the children, they are enjoying having different people read to them. If you would like to book a day with us it isn’t too late. Please email us – hannah.kumar@farsleyfarfield.org.uk, alexandra.galbraith@farsleyfarfield.org.uk or sabrina.pinnock@farsleyfarfield.org.uk

Everything Else…

Reception Spring Event

Don’t forget we are holding our Spring event on Wednesday 26th March from 9am-10am. Parents and grandparents are all welcome. Come and explore our school grounds looking for signs of Spring.

Have a lovely weekend.

The Reception Team


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