A busy week
This week, 3CW enjoyed learning about perimeter and what this means, and applied this knowledge when measuring different shapes. The children found some parts challenging since they had to convert measurements using various units of measure, which threw them! 3B have continued their work on fractions focusing on comparing fractions using <,> and =. Children looked at a range of bar models and used maths apparatus, discussing key similarities and differences before moving on to reasoning, which was a more significant fraction and why. They then used this knowledge to add fractions onto a number line. They will be continuing with this next week.
This week, it’s been all about emotions! Children learned more about Ernest Shackleton and looked at examples of telegrams. After reading that he had arrived at Buenos Aires, children used a range of synonyms to write a short note to their loved ones on how they’re feeling, reflecting on what they had been up to and were looking forward to. They then moved onto using zones of relevance, noting down words they would/ wouldn’t use to describe the Antarctic. Some of these words included bleak, still, barren and majestic.

Continuing with our learning of climates, children loved the opportunity to recap the different climate zones and discuss key similarities between the UK Climate Zone and the Antarctic. Many children were shocked to learn that people typically don’t live in the Arctic, raising several curious questions: How do they know how much food to take? How did they discover the Antarctic? They learned more about the positives and negatives of each climate, which led to class discussions about the importance of a cold environment and its impact on the earth.
This term, our unit focuses on personal challenges and the importance of identity and community. Children worked in small groups to discuss the groups they are part of in and out of school. This includes school groups, after-school clubs, and friend and family groups. Some children were pleasantly surprised that they had much more in common with their friends than they had realised. They enjoyed sharing the advantages of being in these groups, some of the problems that occur, and how this could be turned around.
We have loved working on spreadsheets this term. Children have been learning more about using 2Calculate on Purple Mash to collect data, share this information using charts and make conclusions. This week, 3B have continued to create different pictures and patterns following a number of different cell numbers. Maybe they could create an extra picture at home?
Our new unit is focusing on our bodies and this week, we looked at the similarities and differences between skeletons. Children discussed whether different animals had skeletons and put them in to categories. They then explained the key functions of a skeleton; to move, support and protect before moving onto researching animals that do not have skeletons and learned more about how they protect themselves.

Here are some pictures of 3B enjoying playing their glockenspiels as part of their performance of ‘The Three Little Birds’.

Book fair
Our scholastic book fair is still on; the last day will be Monday, 17th March, before and after school. Children can spend their £1 World Book Day token. Payments for books purchased can be made using a QR code that parents will need to scan at the book fair.
Maths homework is based on class learning and spelling is focused on ‘auto, anti and super’ prefixes.
Special mentions – Izzy, Imogen, Isla, Aarjay & Matilda!
Class dojo – Rahul & Sev!
Reading scores
3B – 77%
3CW – 70%
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Begum, Mrs White & Mrs Connolly
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