Farsley Farfield Primary School


We have had another busy week in Y6 and have been working hard on all of our skills.


This week we have started our new topic on the circulatory system and how our heart works. It is a really interesting topic and the children have been very engaged with the learning. As part of the learning, we had to learn the names of the different parts of the heart: aorta, vena cava, atrium, ventricle, pulmonary artery and the pulmonary vein! These were new words and proved quite tricky to pronounce but we worked hard and most of us have now learnt them. The children were also tasked with acting out how the heart works. It was lovely to see the imaginative ideas they came up with from talking blood cells to full-blown acting.


This week we have been working on finding the area and perimeter of different shapes. There is a lot to remember in this unit and the children have done really well with the different formulas to learn. We have explored the area of rectilinear shapes, triangles, and parallelograms. Below are 2 videos to help with these concepts.

Homework 14.03.25

  • English – Tenses pg 36&37 and page 28 determiners 
  • Maths –  Area of triangles and parallelograms pg 63 and fractions, decimals and percentages pg 39 
  • 5 Spelling shed games
  • Reading daily

Hope you have a lovely weekend!


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