Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 1 – 14.03.25


In phonics we have revised split digraphs and the alternative sounds ai/ay/a-e, ee/ea/e-e and ie/igh/i-e. The children have enjoyed spotting the sounds on our phonics detectives sheets. Have they taught you how to be a phonics detective yet?


In English we have continued our topic on the body. The children have started writing a non-fiction booklet on our senses. Did you know that you have three bones in your ear and that one of them is called a hammer?


In Maths we have started looking at numbers to 50. The children are confident with counting to 50 and did a great job writing numbers to 50. Later in the week we started partitioning numbers to 50 into tens and ones, e.g. 35 has 3 tens and 5 ones. We used Base 10 and part-whole models before having a go at the work in our books.

In our handwriting lessons we practised writing the numbers from 0 to 5.


Our science lesson focussed on the sense of smell this week. The children smelled blue cheese, toothpaste, lemon, soap, garlic, and vinegar and then ticked if they liked the smell or not. Surprisingly, some children seemed to like the overwhelming garlic smell. We then did a tally to find out what each hive’s favourite smell was. Toothpaste seemed to be very popular!


In our PSHE we talked about things that should and should not go into our bodies. The children impressed us with their knowledge and said from the start that you should never eat anything outside, e.g. berries, unless a grown up has told you it was safe. We discussed that medicines can make us feel better, if we take the recommended amount and never anybody else’s medicine.


In computing we continued our unit on coding. The children used code blocks on Purple Mash to make bubbles move and pop.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Year 1 Team


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