Farsley Farfield Primary School

A cold week!

Snow covered our beautiful fields for a couple of days this week. Even though it has been cold and icy, children couldn’t wait for their breaks and lunches to play in the snow! Here are some pictures we captured whilst they were busy having fun!


This week, 3CW has been focusing on adding and subtracting 2-digit numbers from 3-digit numbers. The children used math apparatus and then moved on to the formal method. 3B have been looking at equal groups to support their understanding of the unit multiplication and division. Maths homework this week is focused on class learning. Please remind children to use TT Rockstar and Mathletics to support their number facts.


This week, we have been referring to our class text, ‘Leon and the Place Between,’ and using our understanding of fronted adverbials and noun phrases to improve a simple sentence. Children were also challenged to improve the sentence and change the verb using only six words! We also looked at concrete and abstract nouns, focusing on magic and items that might be found in the Place Between. The children enjoyed sharing and developing their ideas.

We have been enjoying our guiding reading sessions, too, and we now know that Leon has travelled to the Place Between and is astonished by everything he has seen. The children enjoyed retrieving information from the text; we will use this when planning a setting description in the coming weeks!


Children loved listening to the story of Noah’s Ark and shared what they felt were the key points in this story. As a class, we looked at the act of obedience and shared when we may have shown this. We then linked this back to the overarching question of how Christians lead good lives, and children went on to write down promises they intend to keep.

3B visit the Synagogue

This week, 3B visited the synagogue as part of our last unit on Judaism. Children shared their understanding of the different artefacts and learned more about the significance of the synagogue. They were fascinated by the different patterns inside and had lots of curious questions. In a carousel, children worked in small groups and discussed key events including the Shabbat and enjoyed looking closer at a beautiful Torah. Thank you to our parent volunteers for supporting us, the children really enjoyed the visit!


This week, we focused on the highlands on a map and used a key. They used different colours to represent these various levels of land and then moved on to locating and labelling mountain ranges worldwide. They then researched a key mountain using their Chromebooks and shared their findings.

Mirror Mirror

This week, we have been investigating how mirrors work. The children began the lesson by putting statements linked to mirrors into a true or false column, and it was lovely to see them discuss their ideas and then take a vote! They then proved a particular statement by explaining what they did in pictures, wrote down what they found, and whether the statement was true, false, or neither. Some of the statements included investigating whether a reflection on a mirror is upside down, back to front or if it gets smaller in size.


This week we have continued with our learning about emails focusing on ways to stay safe online. We shared reasons as to why we need to keep personal information to ourselves and ways to stay safe, especially when playing online. We also discussed the meaning of a trusted contact and being cautious when sending and receiving emails.

Well done to our special mentions this week – Madison, Ben, Izzy, Abdul Wahaab, Imogen and Adam!
Our class dojo champions – Ihsaan & Jessica.

Reading scores

3CW – 58%

3B – 87%

Thank you for your on going support with this. Please continue to remind children to have their reading records ready.

Dates for your diary
November 28th – 3CW will visit the synagogue in the morning and will be back by lunchtime. Please return the slips in time for the visit.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Begum, Mrs White & Mrs Connolly


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