Authors, bodies and new beasts!
This week, 3CW have been comparing non unit fractions and looking at the value of a whole. Some questions were challenging since children to figure out fractions in between using more than one <, > and = symbol.
3B have recapped their understanding of a fraction and used this to label several number lines and reason the different values. After working independently and in pairs, sharing their ideas, children worked on equivalences, recognising patterns and being able to identify equivalences to a half using the relationship between the numerator and denominator. Children enjoyed highlighting different values and discussing their ideas in problem questions that focused on comparing fractions.
Children were excited to learn about Ernest Shackleton and his journey into Antarctica this week. They enjoyed looking at the map showing the journey the team took and were shocked to discover that the Endurance was stuck, and they had to find their way without the Endurance. Children loved getting into the role of a crew member and shared the different emotions they went through, including synonyms from last week; thrilled, anxious, and petrified were some of the choices. They then created a plan noting down friendships they had made on the ship, games they played to keep them busy and their thoughts about the journey ahead. Next week, we will begin writing our diaries and look forward to reading through a wave of emotions.
Create your own vertebrate!
Year 3 are really enjoying learning about amazing bodies. In 3B, children had the exciting task of creating their own vertebrates! After learning about them in more detail, looking at the outside and their internal skeletons, children wrote down how their creature moves, hides, finds food and its unique qualities. Some started with drawing simple backbones and bones in their arms and legs but then realised they were all separate; they added joint, colours and named them! We had some wonderful creations!

3CW looked at different muscles and how they function. Children loved participating in several exercises and labelled the muscles they felt contracted. After their mini workout, they went on to their chrome books to learn more about the different muscles and locate they muscles they exercised. This included the pectoral, deltoid, and hamstrings.

Author visit
On Tuesday, KS2 was super excited as they had an author visit from Jess French. She told us about her new book, Beast Lands, which is all about new creatures she created based on her real-life experiences as a zoologist and a vet! This was brilliant timing, as children were excited to make their creatures in science! Some children pre-ordered a copy and were lucky enough to meet the author and get their books signed, too! 3B enjoyed creating some of their own characters and some children received a bookmark from Mrs Sykes!

The sun was shining this week, and we had a wonderful afternoon outside for PE. In fundamental games, 3B enjoyed playing tag games with different obstacles and working in pairs in ‘Rats and Rabbits’ to develop their pace and distance skills. They then worked as a class to chase each other and tag the person in front of them – some were surprised by how long they could run without being caught!

Year 3 loved learning about biomes and used their Chromebooks to research them, finding out key facts, including the weather, landscapes, and the flora and fauna that can be found.
World’s Down Syndrome
Year 3 enjoyed learning a little bit more about Down Syndrome today and created beautiful pairs of odd socks! Here is this link to make a direct donation.
Well done to our special mentions – Harry, Eraj, Zebby, Elijah, Cillian and Davud!
Class Dojo – Shivam and Rahul!
Reading scores
3B – 86%
3CW – 59%
Enjoy the first spring weekend!
Mrs Begum, Mrs Connolly & Mrs White
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