Farsley Farfield Primary School

Books, buddies and bright weather!

It has been a bright and brilliant week, uplifting everyone’s mood! The children have loved playing outside and having lots of fun!


3CW have been working on adding and subtracting measurements using metres, centimetres and millimetres. This was quite challenging as children had to convert measurements first before moving onto adding the numbers together. Next week, they will be moving on to perimeter.

3B have begun a new unit on fractions and have been recapping their understanding of a fraction and enjoyed sharing and developing this with their partners. Children started the week by recognising fractions and what the denominator represents by looking at different fractions and reading through problems. They then moved on to comparing unit fractions with different denominators. Children used maths apparatus and bar models to prove their ideas. Maths homework this week is consolidating class learning.

Will you be joining Ernest Shackleton?

This week, children have enjoyed creating a plan to write a persuasive advert to recruit crew members to travel to Antarctica. Using the advert headings, they added detail into the types of jobs that would be available, including the skills, qualities, and experience. Since the advert still needed to be honest, they had to think cleverly to let the reader know about the possible dangers of this journey while sharing the benefits. They then spent some time sharing and editing their work.


This week, children were tasked with researching different climate zones and finding out key details, including weather, countries with this climate, and animals and plants that can be found there. We were so impressed with the information and effort they put into their double-page spread sharing their findings.

World Book Day!

Thursday was World Book Day, and this year’s theme was ‘read your way’. Amongst lots of cosy pyjamas, we had lots of characters, too! This included fairies, footballers, princesses, mermaids, and vampires! The morning started with a visit from Wendy at Truman Books, who shared the different books they could purchase with their £1 book tokens at participating bookstores.

3CW visited reception to read to their buddies—what a perfect day to read! Throughout the day, the children then had a range of activities to share their love of reading. These included reading to their friends, sharing their favourite book titles with reason, and entering the annual book token competition. It was lovely to see children so busy sharing their favourite books and there was a huge variety and lots of chatter – we’re hoping this might lead to children picking up a book they wouldn’t typically read. Year 3 then ended the day with a lovely short play outside!

Read aloud competition

We were so pleased to receive many entries for our read-aloud competitions. The videos put huge smiles on our faces, and we know it’s not always easy to read out loud for others to see. Well, done to everyone who entered. The children all had the chance to watch the videos sent in, and we think this was the best part: sharing their joy with their friends. Well done to our winner, Sophie!

Thank you to everyone who also entered the photo competition. Reading in bed was a favourite and we loved the surprise of some children being able to read UPSIDE DOWN! Here are some of the entries. Well done our winner, Izzy!

Reading buddies

Here are pictures of both classes with their reading buddies. Year 3 were super excited about reading with the younger children and are looking forward to the another buddy read session next term.

Book fair

Keeping up with our love of reading, the Scholastic Book Fair will come to school next week! It will be open before and after school between Thursday 13th – Monday 17th March.

Fruit snack

Some children are mentioning that they feel hungry at break time but haven’t brought a snack from home. As a reminder, children in KS2 are not provided with fruit as they were in KS1 so you will need to send a healthy snack in with your child if they would like one.

Well done to our special mentions – Isla, Yuvraj, Bobby, Jessica, Sophie and Amelia!

Class dojo – Aarjay & Alisha!

Reading scores

3B – 85%

3CW – 70%

Maths homework this week is consolidating class learning. We have also sent home Year3/4 spellings for children to practise.

Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Begum, Mrs White & Mrs Connolly.


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