Farsley Farfield Primary School

Cartwright Hall

This week, both classes made the short trip into Bradford to visit the Cartwright Hall Art Gallery. Whilst there, the groups compared artifacts from the Early Islamic Empire and Britain around 1000 years ago. We also looked at a selection of paintings inspired by Islam then tried to replicate some of the decorative aspects using gold ink pens. A slightly more messy activity involved using sticks and ink to write the Arabic alphabet. The museum guide also directed us to a Koran from around 1100AD that had been borrowed from the British Museum as part of Bradford 2025 City of Culture. Finally, the classes were divided into groups and allocated a city, then had to trade to complete a task.

On the way out, Mrs Cairns showed the classes a painting by L.S. Lowry. This was the featured artist from last half term’s Art lessons. Cartwright Hall, and Lister Park that it is set in, is a cracking destination and if you’re interested, click here for a link to their website.


Formal methods for multiplication and division have and will be covered in Maths lessons. The videos below will help if your child needs some help with homework or if they need a reminder.

Have a great weekend.

Mr Beevers, Mrs Kroon and the rest of the Year 5 team


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