Farsley Farfield Primary School

Nursery News

This week in Nursery

15/03/2024 · No comments yet

Looking after your teeth One of the very important things we talk about in Nursery is caring for your teeth. This week we have been talking to the children about keeping their teeth clean and healthy. You will have received an information leaflet about how to support your child to brush their teeth. Please Read More


A very busy week in Nursery!

08/03/2024 · No comments yet

Every week is busy in Nursery but this week we seemed to have done more than usual. On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day and have had lots of reading related activities going on through the week. Story Bus On Tuesday we were lucky enough to have the Story Bus visit us again. The Read More


This week in Nursery

01/03/2024 · No comments yet

The children have been having lots of fun this week and experiencing different things. Snow Although we haven’t had any snow outside this week we have had some inside! The children have been playing with artificial snow in our messy trays. Planting We continue to read our story ‘Farmer Duck’ and this week we Read More


This week in Nursery

23/02/2024 · No comments yet

Welcome back to the second Spring half term! Spring is on its way and we are talking about all the new growth on the tress and shrubs. Daffodils and other Spring flowers are starting to appear. Can you point out signs of Spring when you are out and about? Farmer Duck Our new story Read More


A busy week in Nursery

09/02/2024 · No comments yet

We have had such a busy week and the last one before the half term holiday. Chinese New Year Tomorrow is the Lunar New Year when the Chinese people celebrate their new year. This is the year of the dragon and the Nursery children have been learning all about how the years were named Read More