Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News

Year 2 News 17.5.24

17/05/2024 · No comments yet

English This week in English we have been exploring the text The Sea of Tranquillity by Mark Haddon, a tale inspired by the first moon landing in 1969. We made inferences about what it would be like to land on the moon using a picture stimulus. We used the language from the text to Read More


Year 2 News 10.5.24

10/05/2024 · No comments yet

English This week in English we have been using our knowledge of 1960s objects to write an explanation text. We have created a final piece of writing which has a title, introduction, pictures with captions and fact sentences to explain. Well done Year 2! Spellings This week in spellings we have been adding the Read More


Year 2 News 3.05.24

03/05/2024 · No comments yet

English In English this week we have been looking at the features of information texts with a focus on captions. We then looked at the 1960s objects and talked about their features, how they worked and what they were used for. We then talked about what we use nowadays instead. Children have practised writing Read More


Yorkshire Wildlife Park- 2LA

26/04/2024 · 2 comments

We have had a brilliant time on our visit to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. We spent lots of time visiting all the different animals, then took part in a workshop at the end. Some of our highlights were: Thank you to the children for being so well behaved and so interested in all the animals. Read More


Yorkshire Wildlife Park Trip – 2BW

24/04/2024 · 3 comments

We had a fantastic day visiting Yorkshire Wildlife Park this week and learnt lots of interesting facts about animals and their habitats and diets. We began our day with a workshop led by a member of the Yorkshire Wildlife Park team. She taught us all about where different animals life and how animals have Read More