Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 2 News

Year 2 News 19.04.24

19/04/2024 · No comments yet

English In English we have read the story, the Tiger who came to Tea. The children have enjoyed reading and writing activities based on this text. We have planned and written our own versions of this story which have been really entertaining to read! Spellings This week our spellings are words ending in le Read More


Year 2 News 28.03.24

28/03/2024 · No comments yet

English This week in English we have been reading, performing and writing African animal poems. We have talked about how poets use alliteration and rhyme. We have collected lots of right choice adjectives and verbs for our animals. Finally we wrote our own fantastic poems! Spelling This week in spellings we have been looking Read More


Year 2 News 22.03.24

22/03/2024 · No comments yet

English This week in English, we have been researching facts about African land animals using the chrome books. We recapped the features of a non-chronological report and looked at some examples. We then had a go at writing our own reports based on an animal of our choice. We split our writing into three Read More


Year 2 News 15.03.24

15/03/2024 · No comments yet

English We have started a new non-fiction unit all about African animals. In English lessons this week, we have been researching and finding facts about zebras, giraffes, lions and elephants. Here we are sorting fact sentences into paragraphs. We read the fact to decide if it was about the animal’s appearance, diet or habitat. Read More


World Book Day 2024

08/03/2024 · No comments yet

Year 2 had such a wonderful day celebrating World Book Day on Thursday. Thank you for all your support; the children looked brilliant in their ‘adjective’ costumes and thoroughly enjoyed all the activities. We started the day with a special assembly; Wendy from Truman Books came to show the children the £1 books that Read More