Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 3 News

Sewing, sports, celery and some super writing!

17/05/2024 · No comments yet

Here is what we have been up to this week in Year 3! D.T The children have been very excited to start their new D.T project – making Roman-inspired purses. This week, we thought about the design of our purse and we practised the running stitch. The children did so well with this, persevering Read More


It’s a sunny end to the week!

10/05/2024 · No comments yet

This week, our outdoor spaces have been buzzing with activity, and the children have been absolutely thrilled. At Farsley, we are fortunate to have vast areas for them to run, play sports, and build dens. Year 3 have enjoyed making the most of these spaces this week! Maths This week, we have completed our Read More


Fight or Surrender?

03/05/2024 · No comments yet

It’s been another action-packed week in Year 3! History We are really enjoying learning about the Romans in Year 3! This topic is a great one as it builds perfectly on our learning about Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age. Last week, we considered from the Roman perspective why the Romans Read More


Vesuvius awakes!

26/04/2024 · No comments yet

Maths This week, we have reached the end of our unit on mass and capacity. Children compared capacity and added different volumes together, converting measurements into litres when needed. Next week, we will move on to the second Fractions unit. Vesuvius is victorious! This week, we enjoyed reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’. The children were Read More


A wonderful trip to Harlow Carr!

19/04/2024 · No comments yet

Year 3 had a very exciting start to the new term with their trips to Harlow Carr. 3SB on Tuesday were a little bit luckier with the weather than 3B, who had some wind, rain and even hailstones to contend with. They did not let this stop their fun though, and both classes had Read More