Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 3 News

Ice Trap!

23/02/2024 · No comments yet

Welcome back to a new half term in Year 3! It’s been a great first week back, with the children showing lots of enthusiasm for our new topics, especially our new class texts, ‘Ice Trap!’ and ‘Shackleton’s Journey’. We started the week by looking at the following job advert: Most of us were not Read More

Happy Holidays

09/02/2024 · No comments yet

It has been a super busy week full of new learning and experiments and the children have really impressed with their effort and attitude when working in groups. Maths This week, we have come to the end of our maths unit focusing on multiplication and division. We concentrated on dividing using flexible partitioning and Read More

Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum!

02/02/2024 · No comments yet

Year 3 have worked incredibly hard this week on their alternative versions of Jack and the Beanstalk. We have been so impressed with the effort the children have put in and with the fantastic writing everyone has produced. It has been really lovely to see the children enjoying writing, with some children keen to Read More

Once upon a time…

26/01/2024 · No comments yet

It has been a wet week, and even with all the indoor play and lunchtimes, the children have worked hard to remain focused. Maths This week, we ended our first multiplication and division units with a focus on the 3rd, 4th, and 8th timetables. Children enjoyed grouping items together and writing down multiplication and Read More

Oh yes we did!

19/01/2024 · No comments yet

It’s been a brilliant second week back in Year 3. 3SB thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the pantomime and, just like 3B the week before, did a fantastic job of representing Farfield. We are now ready to start our work on planning and writing our own versions of traditional tales! In maths, we have Read More

Welcome back!

12/01/2024 · No comments yet

Year 3 have settled back in and have enjoyed taking part in lots of new learning. Maths We are continuing with our unit on multiplication and division and have focused on the 3 times tables this week. Children worked in groups and partners to create arrays highlighting the number of equal groups. Children then Read More

Happy holidays!

22/12/2023 · No comments yet

It has been a busy week full of performances, singing and parties among lessons, too! Maths This week, the children have continued with multiplication and division, focusing on multiplying by 3. After the holidays, we will divide by three and move onto the four times tables. Over the holidays, it would benefit the children Read More

Levers and Linkages

15/12/2023 · No comments yet

D.T Monday was an exciting day for Year 3 this week, as they had a D.T day, learning all about levers and linkages and using their knowledge of these mechanisms to make a puppet show! The children really enjoyed this task and showed a good understanding of how to use fixed and loose pivots Read More

Meet Yorkshire and the Place Between!

08/12/2023 · No comments yet

This week has been a fun-filled week, even with all the rain! Maths This week, we started our unit on multiplication and division. Children enjoyed finding equal groups and discussing how they knew all the groups were the same using key vocabulary. We then moved on to using arrays that match our sums and Read More

Rivers, Seasons and The Place Between

01/12/2023 · No comments yet

What a great week in Year 3! Geography In geography this week, we learnt all about rivers, learning where rivers come from and how they change along their course. We showed our knowledge by working in pairs to make labelled diagrams. The children did fantastically with this task and we were so impressed with Read More