Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 News

WB 24.6.24

28/06/2024 · No comments yet

It has been a very warm and fun-filled week in Year 5. The Science Superstar auditions have been the highlight of the week, and we have been busy preparing for our trip to Malham next week. Malham Next week, both classes will be going to Malham (5KH on the 3rd of July and 5HB Read More


Four day week? Why not.

14/06/2024 · No comments yet

Good evening. It’s been another packed week but luckily the weather has allowed us to get out and enjoy the start of the summer months. English English this week has involved persuasive writing and on Tuesday the chidren wrote to the Prime Minister (to be posted after 4th July just in case) to convice Read More


WB 3.6.24

07/06/2024 · No comments yet

Welcome back to the final half term of Year 5. It has been lovely to see all of the children back this week, and the residential trip seems like a distant memory (thankfully all of 5HB seem to have dried out!). All of the children have started the term positively, and it has been Read More


5HB Residential Day 3

24/05/2024 · 4 comments

After another good night’s sleep, it was time to pack our bags and prepare to leave Gearstones Lodge. Because the weather forecast for this morning was for rain (what a surprise!) and the majority of children had a very limited supply of dry clothes, we decided not to do the full river walk as Read More


5HB Day 2. Thursday

23/05/2024 · 2 comments

Good evening, After a good night’s sleep, the weather gods were slightly kinder to us this morning when we undertook our main day’s activities. Several children took inspiration from The Hobbit and enjoyed second, third, fourth and even fifth breakfasts, meaning they had plenty of energy for cycling and caving. In fact, the rain Read More