Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 News

Awesome Actors

29/11/2024 · No comments yet

Good afternoon parents and carers, Year 5 have been busy rehearsing this week and we are so impressed by the acting, singing and dancing talent this year. I bet you are looking forward to seeing the show. We have asked the children to try and go without their scripts next week so please could Read More

A cold week

22/11/2024 · No comments yet

The week started cold and got colder. Luckily, we are a hardy bunch and so relished the snow and ice. Science On Thursday, 5B took advantage of the clear sky to investigate how shadows change as the sun moves across the sky. To do this, we traced the shadows then measured the angles using Read More

This weeks Year 5 Blog

15/11/2024 · No comments yet

In Science, both Year 5 classes investigated the phases of the moon. The class sat around a football painted half black, half white to represent the lit and unlit side of the moon. They then drew what they could see and identified if they were looking at a full, new, crescent or gibbous moon. Read More

Hitting the ground running

08/11/2024 · 1 comment

We are definitely straight back into the new half term this week. All week, groups of children have been out on their bikes around the school ground and on the local streets, becoming more confident and competent at riding. This will continue next week. It is great to see their smiles when they come Read More

End of a long half term!

25/10/2024 · No comments yet

Good afternoon parents and carers, The children have made it through a long half term of learning and now deserve a well earned rest! There is no homework over half term so children can have a total break from work. However, they can obviously complete learning games on their Chromebooks if they want to. Read More

Another Winning Week

18/10/2024 · 1 comment

Unbelievably, we are racing towards the last week of the half term. Another packed week has seen … Football This week, the Year 5 football team travelled the short distance to Tyersal in Bradford to play a match against Co-op Academy Beckfield. The game took place on a small, all weather MUGA pitch and Read More

Another great week in Year 5 and more photos from Greek Day

11/10/2024 · No comments yet

Hi all, We have had another great week, working hard in Year 5. In Maths we have been completing column subtraction and addition. The children have been set some column subtractions to complete for homework. Please ensure that you support them with this to ensure that they are fluent in completing these calculations. Many Read More

Greek Week

04/10/2024 · No comments yet

What a week! The week started with terrible weather, meaning that the normal PE lessons outside had to be brought indoors. The cross country group did their activities in class and loved the Train Like a Jedi video. Try it for yourself by clicking here. Greek Day On Tuesday, we had our Greek day. Read More

A topsy turvy week in year 5.

26/09/2024 · No comments yet

This week in year 5 we have completed our lessons on puberty and changes every morning. the children have really impressed us with their sensible mature attitudes. They asked lots of questions and will hopefully share with you some of what they have learnt. We then completed Maths and English in the afternoons. We Read More

An Epic Week

20/09/2024 · No comments yet

Another week and we are well into the first half term. The lovely weather has allowed the children to enjoy their play and lunchtimes and has meant that our first hour of PE can take place outside. During the second hour, one group travels the short distance to The Depot where they practice their Read More