Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 5 News

Cycling, sewing, singing.

03/05/2024 · No comments yet

Good evening. We have had another packed week in Year 5. One of the most popular activities was when the children got on their bikes to gain confidence and practise their cycling skills for the residential in a few weeks. Chris Young (ex-pro cyclist) led the groups around the playground and will be part Read More



26/04/2024 · No comments yet

Good afternoon parents and carers, We have had another busy week in Year 5. In maths we have been workingon Statistics. The children have impressed me with their enthusiasm and understanding in this topic. We have worked on interpreting information from line graphs and tables. Line graphs Tables For homework children need to complete Read More


WB 15.4.24

19/04/2024 · 1 comment

Welcome to the Summer term (it would be helpful if someone could inform the weather that the sun should be shining gloriously by now!). The children have been working hard on our new topics this week and the learning has been very hands-on. English In English, we have started to read The Hobbit. We Read More


Who’s a clever “sew and sew”?

28/03/2024 · No comments yet

The spring term seems to have flown by, with loads of learning and fun activities packed in. This week, the Year 5 children started to construct their rainforest animal plushies. Last week, they researched the animal they wanted to make, then made a template so that they could cut out the material to the Read More


WB 11.3.24

15/03/2024 · No comments yet

Welcome to our weekly update! This week, children have been completing end-of-term assessments in English and maths. These assessments help to inform our teaching and will give us up-to-date information about your child’s progress when we meet at parent’s evening. Children don’t always enjoy completing assessments so we have made sure that the rest Read More