Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 News


21/03/2025 · No comments yet

Maths This week we have been working hard on statistics and reading and interpreting many different types of graphs. The children had excellent prior knowledge and were able to apply these skills to a range of problems and activities. One of the activities even required us to have a go at drawing our own Read More


14/03/2025 · No comments yet

We have had another busy week in Y6 and have been working hard on all of our skills. Science This week we have started our new topic on the circulatory system and how our heart works. It is a really interesting topic and the children have been very engaged with the learning. As part Read More


07/03/2025 · No comments yet

English This week we have really been focusing on our vocabulary in English. We worked hard as a class to produce a ‘word waiter’ to help us further develop our descriptive writing. As a class, we worked together to gather vocabulary for adverbs, adjectives of colour, abstract nouns and propositions. We then used these Read More

Year 6 28.2.25

28/02/2025 · No comments yet

We have had a lovely first week back with the children raring to go and producing some excellent work. English We were introduced to our new text for the next few weeks: The Highwayman. Both classes put on their acting shoes and had a go at freeze framing some of the stanzas after looking Read More

Year 6 14.2.25- Happy Half Term

14/02/2025 · No comments yet

Trip to the Royal Armouries We had two fantastic visits this week to the Royal Armouries Museum in Leeds. Children were put through their paces by Corporal Gibbs and taught how to march and hold their rifles to attention! Then it was off to the medical unit to work with Nurse Goodwin who taught Read More


07/02/2025 · No comments yet

We have had a fun-packed week in Y6 and have been working really hard in all areas of the curriculum. The children have impressed us with their investigative skills in science and their use of formal tone in writing non-chronological reports all about dragons. English This week we have moved onto a new genre: Read More

Year 6 31.1.25

31/01/2025 · 1 comment

Trip to the Royal Armouries Thank you to all families who have been able to contribute towards our trip to the Royal Armouries on Tuesday 11th (6D) and Friday 14th (6J) February. We have asked for a voluntary contribution of £5 per child to cover the cost of the trip and would like to Read More


17/01/2025 · No comments yet

It has been a much more settled week weather wise and the children have been able to play outside for the first time this year! We have continued our work on War horse and Evolution and the children have produced some really good work. English This week we have been focusing on persuasive writing Read More

Y6 10.1.25 – Happy New Year!

10/01/2025 · 1 comment

Welcome back to everyone this week – well done for making it through the snow and ice! Science – Evolution and Inheritance We have begun our new unit in science: evolution and inheritance. We began the term looking at the creation of life on Earth and talked about dinosaurs, meteorites, apes and more! ICT Read More

Happy Holidays! Year 6 20.12.24

20/12/2024 · No comments yet

We have come to the end of our first full term in Year 6 and what a wonderful term we have had. Well done to all of the children who have staggered to the end of the week which has been full of performances, show time, trips and more. Thank you for your cards Read More