Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 News


21/06/2024 · 2 comments

Next week we will begin teaching our RSE curriculum. This will take a number of lessons and will be completed over the next few weeks. End of year arrangements Please see the end of year arrangements for Y6. As we approach the end of your child’s time at primary school we would like to Read More


6J Residential – Day 2

13/06/2024 · 2 comments

We had a peaceful night last night and children ‘slept in’ until a reasonable time this morning. The lodges were very helpful at keeping the midges and early morning sunlight at bay. We have had very good weather for most of the day and all of the groups completed two activities today. The children Read More


6D residential Day 3

 · 1 comment

This group were a pleasure to take on residential. They were brave, kind and very sociable. The children appeared to sleep very well again: probably the best at bedtime of any group ever. Each group got a final activity on Wednesday morning. Group 1 Group 1 went canoeing which was great fun! The children Read More


6J residential day 1

12/06/2024 · 6 comments

We have had a great start to our residential at How Stean Gorge. It is a little chilly but we have been lucky with the weather…so far! This morning, we had a stop-off at Coldstone’s cut. We walked up the hill to look down at the limestone quarry and we were fortunate to have Read More


6D residential Day 2

11/06/2024 · 4 comments

This group go to bed so well! Last year on Y5 residential they took themselves to bed. This year, we went out to tell them ‘lights out’ and all three lodges were already dark and quiet! They didn’t get up ridiculously early either. (Compared to tents, it remains dark inside when the sun rises.) Read More