Farsley Farfield Primary School

Year 6 News

Year 6 03.05.24

03/05/2024 · No comments yet

This week we have really settled into our revision stride. The children continue to impress us with their confidence and resilience and they’ve done incredibly well with everything we have asked of them. A few children have mentioned revision at home over this bank holiday weekend. We would suggest little and often; MUCH more Read More


Year 6 26.4.24

26/04/2024 · No comments yet

City or countryside – where would you live? This week we began to look at life in the countryside before the Industrial Revolution and how cities were affected as people began to move away in great numbers and the population increased. The children were fascinated to learn about life in the countryside and how Read More


Year 6 19.4.24

19/04/2024 · No comments yet

This week the children have returned to school after the heartbreaking loss of one of their classmates, Matilda, over the Easter holidays. It has been a truly sad time and will continue to be something that we grieve together. Our pastoral support team are always on hand should you feel that your child is Read More


Year 6 – 28.3.24

28/03/2024 · No comments yet

Happy Holidays The children have worked so very hard this term and we are proud of their tenacity and effort. We have spent the last week doing some assessments which will help structure our revision when we come back after the holidays in order to prepare us for our SATs in May. As a Read More


Year 6 22.3.24

22/03/2024 · No comments yet

English We were blown away this week with the amazing final drafts of the work we have been doing on our explanation texts. The children were asked to explain this tricky scientific concept to a younger child and they did a brilliant job: writing with a friendly, knowledgeable tone and picking vocabulary really well Read More