Farsley Farfield Primary School


“Your curriculum offers a wide range of learning experiences for pupils and as a result is vibrant, rich and engaging.”  Ofsted 2018

At Farfield, we deliver a fulfilling curriculum that children enjoy and which prepares them for their next stage of education and for life. Our academic standards are high and we never narrow the curriculum in statutory assessment years (Y2 and Y6).

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Our full curriculum plan is accessible from this link as a separate tab or within the page below. Please scroll across and down to see all subjects and all year groups.

Here is a National Curriculum guide for parents:

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The full primary national curriculum is here:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/national-curriculum-in-england-primary-curriculum

We use Letters and Sounds for the basis of our Phonics curriculum, supplemented with other resources and, principally, Oxford Reading Tree phonics reading schemes. Our approach to the teaching of reading is detailed in the Reading Policy.

We follow the White Rose Maths sequence of planning. The progression of objectives is accessible from this link.

The policy and programme of study for Sex and Relationships Education can be accessed from these links:

RSE Policy 2021

SRE Programme of Study

For more detail as regards the PSHE scheme of work, click here.