Dragons, timelines and invasions!
Year 4 have done some fantastic writing this week, describing some of the dragons from our class text: How to Train Your Dragon. We spent a couple of lessons generating ideas about what the dragons look, sound and smell like, as well as considering their personalities and the way they move on land and in the air. We used the pictures and text from the book to help us, as well as some clips from the animated film. We then got to work writing full descriptions – it was great to see how excited the children were to write!
In history, we have been learning about the Anglo-Saxons. This week we focused on plotting events onto a timeline, helping us to learn more about the Anglo-Saxon time period, and also making links with history in other parts of the world. The children did some excellent team work to create their timelines, and we had some great discussions about what we noticed.

We also experienced what it was like for the Britons who were invaded by the Saxons, when Year 5 came into our classrooms and took over, forcing us out of our seats and into the corners of the room. The majority of children did not like being invaded!

In maths, we have been multiplying and dividing numbers by 10 and 100, using our understanding of place value to help us. Homework is linked to this. You might like to watch this video to help you:
In P.E we are practising our skipping, ready for some children to represent Year 4 in a skipping festival at the end of February . The children showed so much determination and resilience when trying the different skips – the adults were very impressed! If anyone wants to practise the skips at home, you can find links to tutorial videos here.
In music this term we are enjoying learning Mamma Mia by Abba. This week, 4SN practised the glockenspiel part, working hard to get the hang of the tricky timing!
Trip to Murton Park
All children should have brought home a letter with details of our upcoming trips to Murton Park. The letter can also be viewed here. Thank you to parents who have already signed and return the permission slip. Payments can be made on Parent Pay.
Wishing everyone a lovely weekend,
Mrs Sykes, Miss Levett and Mrs Newsome
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