Farsley Farfield Primary School

Fantastic Trips to Murton Park

Year 4 had two very successful trips to Murton Park this week, travelling back to the Anglo-Saxon Age and learning all about Saxon society, their daily lives, and the threats they faced from Viking invasions.

Saxon Society

First, the children learnt about where the Saxons came from, why they settled in Britain, how society was structured, and the importance of religion. They then had the opportunity to dress up as Saxons and find out more about Saxon villages.

Candle Making

As the Anglo-Saxons didn’t have any electricity, they relied upon candles and fire as light sources. Candles were also important in the church for ceremonies. The children took turns dipping wicks into melted wax to create their own candles and then secured them in a clay base.


The children also had a chance to have a go at some Anglo-Saxon style writing using a metal quill and ink. Anglo-Saxons used a specific alphabet and everyone wrote in the same style so that books looked the same. They also illuminated their pages with colour and pattern!

Fun and Games

The Anglo-Saxons liked to have fun too! The children enjoyed playing a traditional Anglo-Saxon game of chance, involving matching pairs of numbers on dice.

Guarding and Raiding

Being Anglo-Saxons, the children had to be ready for the possibility of Viking invaders! They were taught how to use a spear and shield to defend themselves, and they discussed the differences between Saxon and Viking settlers.

Both classes had excellent days and joined in well with all the activities. Photos from 4L’s visit today can be found below:

Homework this week is to complete an assignment on Mathletics and Spelling Shed.


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