From Ancient Egypt to Secret Agent Science
This week has been packed with exciting learning across all subjects! Here’s a little look at what we’ve been up to:
We’ve wrapped up our typing unit, and the children have really enjoyed it! Have they been practicing at home? We focused on:
- Learning correct typing posture and key terminology.
- Using the home, top, and bottom row keys.
- Typing with both hands.
We also completed a post unit assessment quiz. Why is posture important when typing? It helps avoid strain and injuries. And why do we use specific fingers for certain keys? To type faster and more efficiently!
We’ve been continuing our twisted version of Jack and the Beanstalk, where Jack is actually the villain and the giant is the hero. We started with an introduction inspired by The True Story of the Three Little Pigs, then moved on to writing the build-up and climax of our story. Next week, we’ll finish off with the resolution and conclusion—exciting times ahead!
3CW have been working hard on making the links between multiplication and division. We’ve also been tackling how to divide large two-digit numbers by a one-digit number in an easier way. 3B have been introduced to meters, millimeters and centimeters and have been looking at measuring different items. Lots of problem-solving and deep thinking this week as always.
This week, we set the scene with a very special mission…
With James Bond music playing in the background, we told the children that 007 had slipped during a high-speed chase! Their mission? To investigate which surfaces are the trickiest to run on.
This week we planned an experiment to test how much force is needed to pull a shoe across different surfaces. Next week we will measure and record our results, ensuring we kept it a fair test. Hopefully, James Bond will be better prepared to save the world by this time next week!
3CW have been refining their balance and movement skills, focusing on using core muscles effectively. As always, we’ve been continuing to enjoy our activity rotations, completing our final sessions of dodgeball, multi skills, and dance. Great effort all around!

This week we explored how the land shaped the homes and the way people lived in ancient Egypt, and considered the significance of Gods.
We looked at how the use of materials and the ability to build better homes made Egypt a thriving civilization. Did you know they even had an early sewage system? The River Nile played a huge role in irrigation and daily life. The children learned more about how gods took a significant role and how they were worshipped.
We took part in:
- A carousel activity where children collected information about different types of homes.
- Answering key questions about how the land influenced housing and how different homes compared.

This week, we tackled an important life lesson—how to handle setbacks.
We started with a balance scale activity, placing different daily events on the positive or negative side to show how ups and downs are a normal part of life. Then, we explored real-life scenarios and discussed how people can either make things better or worse for themselves when facing setbacks.
Children brainstormed positive ways to cope—talking to someone, focusing on the good parts of a situation, learning from mistakes, and knowing when to ask for help. A great session with lots of thoughtful discussions!
News and Next Week
Congratulations to our special mentions this week: Jessica, Tilly, and Dua
Well done also to our dojo champions this week: Isla and Shivam
Reading scores:
3CW – 66 %
3B – 81%
Homework this week is a TT Rockstars battle and a spelling worksheet from the Year 3 and 4 statutory spellings.
Jars! – We are appealing for any spare jars you have at home. We need about 6 per class for our lessons next week on mummification. If you can spare an empty, clean jar, please bring it into school at the start of next week.
Clothes! – We have had so many muddy children over the last few weeks that we have run out of almost all our spare clothes. If you have borrowed any of our spare items, please ensure these are washed and returned asap. Additionally, if you have any spare clothes that your child has grown out of, and can donate to our stash of spares, please send them in. We are grateful for your support.
We apologise for the lack of pictures recently but we have had a few technical issues getting them to load correctly. Hopefully this will resolve itself soon.
Don’t forget that next week is our last week of this half term. 3CW have a target to get over 80% in extreme reading for the first time. We have all our fingers crossed! Let’s do this!
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Begum, Mrs Connolly and Mrs White
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