Fruity Fun in Year 2!
We have had a busy week in year 2 starting with a trip to the farm on Monday to harvest some fruits. We then tasted the fruits and used our senses to collect words and phrases to describe them. We wrote some fantastic concrete poems.
Our poems!
In maths this week we have been thinking about tens and ones. We have been using the base ten and other equipment to make different two digit numbers. We have used plave value charts and part whole models.
We have done some super sketching this week
Children have learned the terms rural, urban and settlement in geography this week. They have looked at photographs showing different features and have sorted into if you would find them in a rural or urban area. We concluded that Farsley is an urban area.
We have been learning all about teamwork in PE.
Science and PSHE
We have been thinking about how we keep healthy. We have talked about a healthy diet and children have sorted pictures into different groups.
Homework and Reminders
- Children have brought home homework books today. We would like them to record how they keep healthy. They can present this however they wish.
- Reading Books: Please can you remind children to change their books in a morning if they need to. We appreciate your support in hearing children read at home regularly; please write a short comment in their reading record. Thank you.
- Spellings came home on Monday. This week we have been learning alternative spellings for ee (ea, ey, ie, e-e and y) and the homophones meet/meat, read/reed, see/sea, heel/heal etc. We will have an informal ‘test’ on Monday.
- Password lists will be sent home on Monday next week. These are exactly the same as last year so feel free to access Mathletics, Purple Mash or Reading eggs if you wish!
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