Happy Holidays! Year 6 20.12.24
We have come to the end of our first full term in Year 6 and what a wonderful term we have had. Well done to all of the children who have staggered to the end of the week which has been full of performances, show time, trips and more. Thank you for your cards and thoughtful gifts – we appreciate your ongoing support and generosity.
RE – Trip to the Gurdwara
On Tuesday and Thursday this week, 6D and 6J went on their trips to the Gurdwara. The children had a brilliant time and were excellent ambassadors of Farsley Farfield: asking thoughtful questions and having a great deal of knowledge at their fingertips. We were introduced to a harmonium and had a go at playing. We also looked at each of the 5Ks and learned how to wear a turban. The highlight of the day was Langar. Children were fed delicious lentil daal and chapatis with rice and juice – they loved it! One Year 6 child was even heard to remark that it was ‘better than his mum’s… but don’t tell her.’ Thank you to families for donating towards the trip. We were able to bring £119 to the Gurdwara as a thank-you for hosting us. There is no other funding they receive, so they were very appreciative of this and wanted to pass on their thanks.
Pictures here:
This week in science we have come to the end of our unit on light. Children worked in groups to investigate how light travels by using a light box and then investigated the way that shadows change.

We have been looking at the risks associated with drugs – including legal drugs such as caffeine and painkillers. Children worked in groups to make informative presentations which they gave to the class. Here are a selection.
Have a lovely restful break. Read lots. Spend time with your families and make memories.
We will see you in 2025
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