Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher blog 28/6/24

28/06/2024 · No comments yet

It seems like summer has been and gone in a flash this week! I did a tour with some prospective parents yesterday afternoon and it was not typical. Half of Y6 were out on high school transition (and the rest were cooking, farming or hosting a visiting school – see below), a Reception class Read More

Headteacher blog 21st June 2024

21/06/2024 · No comments yet

At last, we have some summer sun and it lifts (almost) everyone. 4Ke have been lucky today to have such beautiful weather for their trip to Burnsall in the Dales. Next week, Reception should have lovely weather for their trips to Harlow Carr Gardens. (In a sad irony, another school’s Reception children are actually Read More

Headteacher blog 14th June 2024

14/06/2024 · No comments yet

I have had an enjoyable week, with the first three days spent on Y6 residential at wonderful How Stean Gorge in Upper Nidderdale. It was cold and a bit wet but we were accommodated in relative luxury this year in lodges rather than tents. The class that I went with, 6D, were a lovely Read More

Headteacher blog 7th June 2024

07/06/2024 · No comments yet

It has been a very busy week at school with new Nursery and Reception Open Evenings, school trips and the final event of Y5/6 Show Time: 60 children at the ballet on Thursday evening. We are full again for Reception September 2024 and have only one part-time nursery space available. Taking 60 children to Read More

Headteacher Blog 24th May 2024

24/05/2024 · No comments yet

It is the end of the half term and it has been busy with Y6 SATs, lots of trips and Y5 residential. 5KH had a lovely time Mon-Wed this week but the weather for 5HB from Wednesday has been extremely wet! We made some adjustment to our plans to reflect this, but they still Read More