Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher’s blog 30th March 2023

30/03/2023 · No comments yet

We have got to the end of a long term that has been punctuated by very regrettable strike action and even a bit of a snow day. Sadly, there could be more strike action to come after a very disappointing offer from the government this week that has left us all deflated and feeling Read More

Headteacher blog 24th March 2023

24/03/2023 · No comments yet

After the disruption of last week, it has felt good to get a proper, full week completed. I toured the school with prospective family this morning and every classroom was a delight: happy, engaged children playing and learning. The family really liked what they saw, commenting – in a positive way they assured me Read More

Headteacher blog 17/3/23

17/03/2023 · No comments yet

I usually start these letters/blogs with a positive statement about what a good week it has been. This week is different: a two day strike that is a miserable thing to do and something that I hope we don’t feel compelled to repeat. There has been a bit of progress with the NHS dispute Read More

Headteacher blog 10th March 2023

10/03/2023 · 2 comments

A snowy week! These sorts of weeks are always a bit stressful but can be good fun too! I am glad we stayed open but we only had 40-50% attendance across the school.  Almost all the teachers got in, but some staff couldn’t make it – sometimes due to their own childcare issues.  Most Read More

Headteacher blog 3/3/23

02/03/2023 · No comments yet

On Wednesday, we had a visit from Solar for Schools and they did an assembly and workshop with Y6. We also went on an energy tour of the school looking at the wind turbine on the grounds, solar panels and air source heat pumps on the roof and gas boilers in the basement. This Read More