Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher blog 17th May 2024

17/05/2024 · No comments yet

It has been Y6 SATs week across the country this week. I am sure that most of our children will have done very well, although a few did show signs of some stress despite our best efforts to make the week fun. I am particularly concerned for those children that can only just access Read More

Headteacher’s blog 10th May 2024

10/05/2024 · No comments yet

It has been a glorious week at school and it is definitely feeling more ‘summery’. The weather and availability of the school fields make playtime and lunchtimes much more enjoyable. The good weather was helpful for Year 5 practising their mountain biking skills at The Chevin this week and for 4Ke on their geography Read More

Headteacher blog 3rd May 2024

03/05/2024 · No comments yet

It has been wonderful to see children able to enjoy the grounds much more this week: finally, some warmer, drier weather allowing us to mow. We are way behind our usual horticultural schedule, with potatoes still going into the ground, but things will accelerate now. The orchard is beautiful and bursting with blossom; some Read More

Headteacher blog 26th April 2024

26/04/2024 · No comments yet

It’s been a fine and busy week in school. Year 2 have visited the Yorkshire Wildlife Park this week: probably our longest minibus trip on the curriculum. Many thanks to the volunteer drivers. The children had a lovely time. Year 4 went to a skipping competition and we have had two U11 home football Read More

Headteacher blog 19th April 2024

19/04/2024 · No comments yet

It was great to have the school back together on Monday although, of course, there was a great sadness shared amongst staff and the wider school community after the tragic news in the holidays. The school quickly got back into gear and Year 3 braved the weather for two successful trips to Harlow Carr Read More