Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher blog 23rd February 2024

23/02/2024 · No comments yet

It remains so wet and muddy around school and the planting season on the farm is getting off to a slow start. I know ‘real’ farmers are having it tough too as the ground is just too wet to plant many crops. The state of the school fields really is exceptionally bad, with the Read More

Headteacher Blog 9th February 2024

09/02/2024 · No comments yet

It is the end of a very wet half-term. In almost 20 years, I don’t remember the site ever being so saturated for such a long period – it feels like many months! Lots of sporting fixtures have been cancelled or postponed. Cross country events, in particular, have been cursed: the Leeds finals the Read More

Headteacher Blog 2nd February 2024

02/02/2024 · No comments yet

I often tour our school: visiting all the classrooms; engaging with children in their work; checking on staff deployment (especially when colleagues are off sick); monitoring curriculum; and assessing behaviour and engagement. I did so again this morning and every single class was suitably calm, purposeful and engaged in learning. Inclusion was strong and Read More

Headteacher blog 26th January 2024

26/01/2024 · No comments yet

It has been such a stormy week and it has coincided with possibly the worst-ever attendance levels (other than in the pandemic): less than 90% all week with Y3 particularly severely affected by poorliness. Staff (and their own children) have been afflicted too, as have some other schools locally. The joys of winter-time! I Read More

Headteacher blog January 12th 2024

12/01/2024 · No comments yet

It is great to be back after the Christmas and New Year break. On Monday we had a Teacher Training Day. Amongst other things, we had some updated training on the best use of Mathletics. This was unexpected as we had, reluctantly, dropped that very expensive subscription just before the holidays but we had Read More