Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher Blog 10th November 2023

10/11/2023 · No comments yet

May I first wish everyone Happy Diwali if you are celebrating this weekend! It’s been a very busy week at Farfield with two parents’ evenings and two evening trips to the theatre – one of which was aborted! On Tuesday and Wednesday we had successful parents’ evenings although we very much prefer the in-person Read More

Headteacher’s blog 27th October

27/10/2023 · No comments yet

This has been a tricky end to what has been a very long half-term. We have had to have our infant school car park dug up to work on the school’s three-phase electrical supply and we have had to contend with two days of kitchen closure and a further long power cut on Thursday Read More

Headteacher blog 20th October 2023

20/10/2023 · No comments yet

It’s been a wet end to the week but a good one nonetheless. Year 3 enjoyed their Stone Age Day although it was much damper and muddier than last year. Life in those times will have been hard! Year 1 had two successful reading and phonics workshops, highlighting the importance given to the rapid Read More

Headteacher Blog 13th October 2023

16/10/2023 · No comments yet

It has been a big week at Farfield: the publication of our Ofsted report, Harvest Festival and lots of sports and physical activity. The Ofsted report is very positive and uses words and phrases like vibrant, happy, ambitious, exceptional (twice), flourish, highly effective and confident. We are delighted to have received such a validating Read More

Headteacher Blog 6th October 2023

06/10/2023 · No comments yet

It’s been warm but more autumnal this week. It is time to enforce the welly rule on the grounds for juniors as it is suddenly very wet and muddy in places. It is also important that all juniors have indoor shoes to change into. Provision for children with SEND is in the news this Read More