Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher blog 29th September 2023

29/09/2023 · No comments yet

This week has been a sporty week. The cross-country season is starting and we are delighted to have four new courses across the school grounds ranging from a short green route of just over 300m to a black route of over 800m. Routes can also be combined for longer sessions. The children have reported Read More

Headteacher blog 22nd September 2023

22/09/2023 · No comments yet

It’s been a rather wet week at school but damp weather doesn’t deter us! Our Ofsted report won’t be officially published for many weeks but we have received a positive draft that we will now work through and give feedback on. It is somewhat frustrating that all our work is condensed to just a Read More

Headteacher blog 15/9/23

15/09/2023 · No comments yet

We finally received our Ofsted inspection this week and it has been a positive experience. I would like to thank our parents for their wonderful support for the school in Parent View, the unusually high number of free text comments left privately therein for the inspector and for the time taken to speak with Read More

Headteacher Blog 8th September 2023

08/09/2023 · No comments yet

This is the start of my 20th academic year as head of Farfield and it continues to be a lovely, exciting time of year. Children joining Reception is always a special time for them and their families and they look so smart and eager starting their school journey. It has been a gloriously sunny Read More

Head teacher’s blog 21st July

21/07/2023 · No comments yet

We are almost at the end of another good year at Farfield. Sadly, Ofsted didn’t come to see us and we are well overdue a visit. On Wednesday evening I had the pleasure of watching the Y6 Leavers’ Show: a riotous panto-like performance that had me laughing and smiling throughout. I thought it was Read More