Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher Blog 14th July 2023

14/07/2023 · 1 comment

The minibus tyres will have been red hot this week as they have been to Malham twice with Y5 (geography), Skelton Grange with Y2 (science), Armley Mills with Y6 (history), a girls’ football tournament, swimming and Rawdon Tennis Club (PE), John Charles Centre for a samba performance (music) and The Alhambra on Thursday evening Read More

Headteacher blog 30/6/23

30/06/2023 · No comments yet

Eid Mubarak to all our Muslim families this week! It has been a quieter few days by Farfield standards as we have had so many Muslim children off school celebrating Eid. On Monday, a class of Y2 children visited a mosque in the morning and then many of them were then part of the Read More

Headteacher blog 23rd June 2023

23/06/2023 · No comments yet

It has been a fabulous week at Farfield, with lots of exciting events. Year 1 have been to Rodley Nature Reserve: one very wet day and one gloriously sunny. It is wonderful to have this oasis of nature on our doorstep. Today they have also enjoyed ‘Sam’s Safari’, bringing exotic animals into school.  Half Read More

Headteacher blog 16th June 2023

16/06/2023 · No comments yet

This summer term is glorious: so many residentials, visits and special events. The weather has been spectacular too this week which makes it even more special. (We do really need some rain though.) Year 6 have been on residential to How Stean Gorge in the Dales this week. The children have abseiled, caved, done Read More

Headteacher blog 9th June 2023

09/06/2023 · No comments yet

This summer half-term is always busy and hectic and this week has been no exception. We have had Reception classes visiting Harlow Carr Gardens and a Year 3 class at The Armouries. We have had new parent meetings for Nursery and for Reception 2023-24, Relationships and Sex Education meetings, an important governors’ meeting and Read More