Farsley Farfield Primary School

Head Teacher's Blog

Headteacher blog 26th May 2023

26/05/2023 · 1 comment

It has been a gloriously sunny week at Farfield and we have made the most of our beautiful grounds with playing and lessons across the whole site. I enjoyed an afternoon on the school farm with all the Y1 children, looking at the chickens and learning about how we look after them. The children Read More

Headteacher blog 19th May 2023

19/05/2023 · No comments yet

Year 5 have enjoyed a fine week up in the Yorkshire Dales on residential this week: caving, mountain biking, walking and geography fieldwork. The children have shown good resilience and confidence tackling the activities. I am very grateful to the volunteer staff who work from 6am ’til gone midnight each day, to our volunteer Read More

Headteacher blog 12th May 2023

12/05/2023 · No comments yet

It has been SATs week for Y2 and for Y6. This has hit the news as the Y6 papers have seemed a bit harder than usual: especially the reading paper. I do feel that there should be more accessible tests for those that are less high attaining: it is painful to watch those children Read More

Headteacher blog 5th May 2023

05/05/2023 · No comments yet

It has been a less-than-satisfactory school week with a bank holiday and then partial closure due to strike action again on Tuesday. Nevertheless, we still managed to squeeze in some mountain biking for Y5 at Otley Chevin and a trip to Leeds on Thursday for 4HB. I postponed a further trip to Leeds today Read More

Headteacher blog 28th April 2023

28/04/2023 · No comments yet

In the summer term we have lots more school trips as the weather is supposed to improve. This week, we have had Reception to Tropical World and Y2 on the longer trip to the West Yorkshire Wildlife Park. Year 4 pupils attended a skipping festival (and won) and Y5 attended a cricket event (and Read More