Headteacher blog 12th May 2023
It has been SATs week for Y2 and for Y6. This has hit the news as the Y6 papers have seemed a bit harder than usual: especially the reading paper. I do feel that there should be more accessible tests for those that are less high attaining: it is painful to watch those children who are only getting a few marks on a paper wade through work that they can barely understand, getting answer after answer wrong. Sometimes even a low score does represent progress for them, but there could easily be a more child-friendly way: a couple of differentiated papers for example, as they do to an extent in Year 2. We have tried to make it an enjoyable week for Y6, making a fuss of them with a breakfast club and some extended breaks but there has been obvious stress for some. Year 2 is definitely more relaxed and a parent I spoke to reported that her child hadn’t even realised they had done a test. (I am not sure that is entirely reassuring news!)
We have lots of school trips this term. 4L are off to Leeds and the museum today and Year 5 are on residential in the Yorkshire Dales next week. The residential, in particular, takes a huge amount of organisation and Rachel Hawkhead, once again, has done a brilliant job. We work hard to keep costs down and we have been able to deliver a three-day, two-night residential with caving, mountain biking and other activities for about £80. We are grateful to Northern Rail for free train tickets and our caving instructor Phil Jackson for free sessions. British Cycling has also been very supportive, with free bikes and helmets and a relatively cheap group leader. The PTA too are supporting this with their previous investment in our small fleet of minibuses. The weather won’t be great next week, but we will have a great time, I am sure.
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