Farsley Farfield Primary School

Headteacher’s Blog 14/2/25

Happy Valentine’s Day!

We have had some staff absence this week so I have taught a bit more than usual. I had a particularly delightful time teaching computer coding and French with most of 5KH on Wednesday afternoon. The children were all engaged and supportive of each other – and really good company. We have had three new children into that class recently and they are all good additions to the school. I regularly teach a Y6 class on Friday afternoons but rarely get to teach other year groups. I haven’t really got time to do so, but when I do it almost always reminds me of the pleasure of teaching primary school children.

World Book Day is shortly after half term and I know that this can cause some challenges for families with demands around costumes. We are conscious of this and have a relaxed attitude including children being able to come to school in just their own clothes if they would prefer. We don’t want anyone to feel uncomfortable or stressed about it. I am really looking forward to video entries in our reading competition as the standards were so high when we have done this in the past.

It has been a muddy, cold half term and we yearn for some sunshine. I hope that everyone has a great break and I look forward to seeing everyone refreshed in a week’s time.


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