Farsley Farfield Primary School

Levers and Linkages


Monday was an exciting day for Year 3 this week, as they had a D.T day, learning all about levers and linkages and using their knowledge of these mechanisms to make a puppet show! The children really enjoyed this task and showed a good understanding of how to use fixed and loose pivots to create different kinds of movements (outputs). The children designed their puppets and made a prototype, before making their final piece. Well done Year 3!


In geography, the children found out more about the French Alps, using their Chromebooks to do some extra research and creating fact files to show what they had learnt.


We have completed some assessments in reading and maths this week. We are really proud of how well the children have done.

Dates for next week

We have lots of things to look forward to next week:

Tuesday – KS2 show pm

Wednesday – KS2 show am and Christmas jumper / non-uniform day

Thursday – Year 3 class party (pm) – you should have received an email with more details about this

Friday – last day of term! Sweet sale after school

You should also have received a letter about our trip to the pantomime in January. Thank you to those of you who have already returned your permission slips.

Well done to this week’s special mentions: Ayla, Arthur, Rory and Sukhmani!

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

Mrs Sykes and Mrs Begum

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