Farsley Farfield Primary School

Measuring, Missions, and Mummified Tomatoes!

Hello Year 3 families,

We’ve had a fantastic week full of exciting learning across different subjects, even though we’re all feeling a bit tired after a long half-term! The weather hasn’t been the best, but we’ve stayed engaged and made the most of our lessons.


This week, we explored the fascinating world of Ancient Egypt and mummification! We discussed why mummification was so important and looked at the steps involved in the process. To bring history to life, we set up an experiment to mummify a tomato – this was a big hit and the children showed an incredible enthusiasm to ‘scoop out the brains’.


In PSHE, 3CW focused on safety and how to respond in emergency situations. We discussed different hazards and learned the importance of assessing a situation before jumping in to help. We identified dangers in the home and at school and practiced making emergency calls, learning about 999 and 112. We discussed how to give clear information to call handlers and looked at emergency scenarios to build our confidence in handling real-life situations.


Our classrooms turned into a secret agent training ground as we helped James Bond! After last week’s planning, we took this week to investigate surfaces and find out what surfaces James Bond should absolutely not be chasing baddies on! Using Newton meters, we tested the pulling force needed to move a shoe across different surfaces. This helped us understand a little more about friction and the grip our shoes provide on a given surface. We also discussed the importance of fair testing and how we needed to use the same shoe for each surface. The children loved discussing how each of the pairs could choose a different shoe and potentially get different results! Our budding scientists made predictions, recorded results, and discussed which surfaces would help or hinder James Bond on his next mission.


3CW wrapped up their multiplication unit at the start of this week and then finished with a post-unit assessment. On Friday we moved on to our new maths topic – length and perimeter. 3CW started with meters and centimetres and 3B have been continuing their work on centimetres, millimetres and equivalent lengths.


As this week felt so very cold, we chose not to stay outside for too long in PE. So 3B and 3CW took it in turns to use the hall and the playground.
3B enjoyed recapping their learning from this half term and using distance in games such as frog tag.
3CW finished off our fundamental movement unit with agility games which provided a lot of laughs, and then moved on to a couple of games of dodgeball. Thankfully, the dance group got to finish off their final lesson and 3CW took the opportunity to do some Minecraft Yoga too.


Congratulations to our special mentions for this week: Ayesha, Joseph, Jacob, Luca, Riya and Jay.

Well done to our dojo champions: Irsa, Isla and Jodh.

Reading scores:
3CW – 73%
3B – 89%

We wish all our children a wonderful February half term break and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school soon.

Mrs Begum, Mrs Connolly, and Mrs White


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